Dental braces are orthodontic treatments to straighten teeth to their ideal structure. Wearing braces will slowly align crowding or crooked teeth with better functioning in biting and improve teeth’ appearance.
It takes patience and persistence until you see the result since brace treatment usually takes a year or two or even longer.
If you consider getting braces, keep reading this article to learn more about braces and signs that you need one.
What age is best for braces?
What are some signs that you need braces?
What should I expect to happen after getting braces?
Can I get braces for no reason?
What age is best for braces?
In general, it will be better to have braces as soon as all permanent teeth have erupted. Early teens are the best time to get braces to fix teeth’ position, considering the jaw bones are still growing.
When adult teeth appear and teeth that aren’t correctly aligned are noticeable, the orthodontist can thoroughly examine the teeth and jaw. Then you and the orthodontist can decide whether you need braces.
Adults will have to take more time wearing braces to get the same result as teenagers. However, with the development of the latest technology for braces, even adults can get the desired results by wearing braces for relatively the same duration as teenagers.
According to The American Association of Orthodontists, nearly thirty percent of adults in the US and Canada are 18 years old or above. It’s never too late to get braces as there is no age limit for getting orthodontic treatment.
What are some signs that you need braces?
The majority of people don’t have perfectly-aligned teeth. A survey estimates that only 35 percent of people don’t need braces as they already have well-aligned mandibular incisors. Based on the statistic found from that survey, you are more likely to need braces for teeth correction than not.
You can consult with a dentist or orthodontist. The dentist will ask you to take an x-ray of your entire teeth and jaw. Decisions are then made based on the results of the clinical exam.
There are also some signs which indicate that you need to get braces if you have problems, such as:
- Underbite or overbite.
Orthodontic treatment can be an effective way to solve underbite and overbite problems. Underbite and overbite usually cause chewing issues while eating. Untreated under and overbite can permanently damage jawbone tissue and result in early loss of teeth.
- Gaps between your teeth.
Most people see gaps between teeth as an aesthetical issue. However, other dental problems such as cavities and bad breath from food particles stuck in the gaps can occur. Gaps can lead to possible problems such as poor tooth alignment and eventually lead to bite problems, facial discomfort and pain.
- Crooked or crowded teeth.
Misaligned teeth or crooked and crowded teeth can also potentially create dental problems. They can be caused by many reasons, from genetics, poor habits, and misaligned jaws. Both crooked and crowded teeth usually make it difficult to clean teeth properly.
- Misaligned teeth and jaws
Also known as malocclusion, this is when the upper teeth and lower jaws do not meet correctly or do not meet at all. A noticeable gap between upper and lower teeth is called an open bite. Open bites cause abnormal bites, making it difficult to eat and talk.
- Late loss of primary teeth.
Delayed eruption or fall out of primary teeth will usually create issues after all the permanent teeth erupt. Baby teeth that don’t fall out while permanent teeth have grown can result in crowded teeth. Braces can be an effective solution to this irregular tooth growth.
- Difficulty in speaking or abnormal speech
Misaligned jaws are the cause of abnormal ability to speak normally. The misalignment of the jaw also usually causes jaw pain. Braces can correct the pains and inability to talk clearly due to jaws misalignment.
What should I expect to happen after getting braces?
While wearing the braces, you must have a regular brace check-up with a dentist or orthodontist once or twice in two months. During the check-up, the dentist will tig1hten or bend the braces’ wires to adjust to the teeth’ position.
Getting braces means paying extra attention to your oral hygiene and starting new habits to take care of the braces. Expect some minor side effects, including discomforts. It is common to feel a little pain at the beginning of wearing braces and when they are adjusted because of the movement of your teeth.
Other than that, your teeth might become a little more sensitive. You might prefer soft foods, also avoid foods and drinks that are too hot or too cold.
Overall, you will give your teeth more attention to additional treatments, including cleaning your teeth more thoroughly.
Can I get braces for no reason?
Braces are a very effective treatment for teeth and jaws that are out of alignment. The purpose of braces is to make corrections to the teeth and jaw to address the problems and risks involved. However, a study conducted in 2020 found that a small percentage of participants use braces for fashion.
Fashion braces have become a trend. Some people use braces for style or as a status symbol. Braces are an expensive treatment, and people consider getting braces as a statement of wealth. With the latest developments in braces technology, there are many choices of aesthetic brace designs.
Fashion braces are great if you are willing to do extra work, such as cleaning your teeth more thoroughly and providing the necessary oral care.
People get braces for different reasons. Braces are an expensive investment. There is a difference between getting braces for cosmetic reasons and needing braces for continued oral health.
With proper orthodontic treatment that gives satisfactory results, braces will boost your self-confidence.
Make a consultation appointment with Eastman Dental for more comprehensive information for any concerns about the teeth and jaw alignment problems you might have. We will gladly give you professional advice and the best orthodontic treatment.