
Bleeding Gums When Brushing Teeth: Causes and Preventions

teeth gums

You haven’t had any tooth loss or dental surgery recently. You also don’t feel any pain in your gum or teeth but occasionally notice your gums bleeding when you floss or brush your teeth. 

Bleeding gum is not necessarily a sign of any problem with your gum. In general, bleeding gum usually results from minor ulcers in the gum line, and there is no reason to panic. 

However, you should be concerned if you see the bleeding happening more frequently. If you notice that your gums are bleeding quite often when you brush your teeth, floss, or even while you eat, a proper check from a dentist is needed. Healthy gums should not consistently bleed. 



Should I keep brushing if my gums bleed? 

What are the causes of my gums bleeding by brushing?

How to stop my gums from bleeding when I brush my teeth?


Should I keep brushing if my gums bleed? 

The short answer is yes; you can keep brushing your teeth even if your gums are bleeding. The bleeding might be caused by plaque or tartar, which can worsen if you stop brushing your teeth. To prevent gum disease, it is vital to continue teeth brushing (preferably with a soft brush) to remove plaque and food debris. 


Try to locate the source of bleeding gums. There is a possibility that there is a tartar buildup in the gum part where it bleeds. Focus on cleaning that part smoothly with a brush and dental floss. The sore in the gums will not heal by avoiding brushing the bleeding gums. Go ahead and keep brushing your teeth regularly. 


Keep in mind to brush gently with the proper tooth brushing technique. Additionally, go to the dentist and get a scaling procedure to remove excessive tartar causing the bleeding.


What are the causes of my gums bleeding by brushing?

Gum bleeding from minor gum sores commonly appears due to plaque buildup that irritates the gums. The lack of oral health practice can cause bacteria to irritate the gum line, then result in inflammation, infection, and bleeding. 

Buildup plaque and tartar is the common cause of gum bleeding by brushing. These are some of the common reasons for bleeding gums:


Gum diseases

Gingivitis is when bacteria in tartar ruin the gum’s health with swelling, receding of the gums, inflammation, and bleeding. If not treated, Gingivitis can result in a more severe gum disease called periodontitis. Periodontitis is the most common cause of bleeding gums. Excessive plaque develops into tartar and harms the gums. 


You are brushing your teeth harshly 

You could be brushing your teeth with too much force when you are in a rush. Brushing quicker and stronger will not clean the teeth like brushing gently for two minutes. The gum is sensitive, and brushing teeth too hard can cause gums to bleed.


Nutrition or vitamin deficiency

Lack of vitamin C and K is known as one of the causes of gums bleeding. Iron deficiency or anemia can also cause gums bleeding even though you don’t have Gingivitis.


Certain health problems.

Several diseases can make people more vulnerable to gums bleeding. Diabetes, leukemia, thrombocytopenia (low platelet blood count), and hemophilia (a disorder in which the blood doesn’t clot properly). These are diseases that affect normal blood functioning.


Unfit dentures

Dentures should fit perfectly to the teeth and gums. The dentures can harm the gums if they are not sitting correctly or move unconsciously during sleep. Dentures need proper attention in wearing and cleaning to prevent them from irritating the gums.



During pregnancy, hormonal changes will influence the body’s response to bacteria. These hormonal changes can cause inflammation and bleeding of the gums when brushing. 


Blood-thinning medications.

The type of anticoagulant drugs can also be one of the causes of bleeding gums. Blood-thinning medication works as a blood thinner by reducing the blood’s ability to clot, which results in easier bleeding.


You should check the condition of bleeding gums at the dentist to determine the cause. A dental check-up is necessary if the bleeding still occurs after a week so that the dentist can treat gum disorders appropriately.


How to stop my gums from bleeding when I brush my teeth?

It would be best if you pay attention to gums bleeding. The symptoms let you know that some parts of your gums need better treatment. If you notice your gums bleeding, give the gums proper treatment to prevent gums problems developing into periodontitis and tooth loss. The following are things you can do to maintain healthy gums and reduce bleeding gums:


Maintain good oral hygiene.

Brush your teeth gently for two minutes at least twice a day, especially after a meal, to prevent plaque from hardening into tartar. Use a soft toothbrush and change it every two months. Don’t share toothbrushes with anyone since toothbrushes can spread harmful bacteria. 


Gargle using an antiseptic mouthwash

Using fluoride-contained toothpaste while brushing will help to protect the tooth enamel from plaque. On the other hand, adding antibacterial mouthwash after brushing teeth will help to protect the gum lines from bacteria causing irritation and bleeding.


Rinse your mouth with warm saltwater.

Other than an antiseptic mouthwash, salt water also helps to kill bacteria in your mouth. Mix salt with warm water to rinse your mouth; the solution can reduce gums bleeding.


Quit smoking.

Toxic substances in cigarettes increase the risk of gum diseases by helping harmful bacteria to grow along the gum line and reducing proper bloodstream in your gums. Smoking is dangerous for your gums and overall oral health.


Consume healthy nutrition.

Try to avoid sugary food and beverages to prevent plaque buildup. To get vitamin C and K from your diet, consume more fresh fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C strengthens your immune system, while vitamin K helps make proteins for blood clotting. 

Watch your medication intake

Some medications can increase the risk of bleeding gums. Some medications include but are not limited to aspirin, birth control pills or some types of blood pressure medications. Consult the medicines you take with your dentist to reduce the risk of developing bleeding gums.




You can inform the dentist that you experience bleeding gums when brushing your teeth during regular check-ups. Schedule an appointment immediately if you still experience bleeding gums when brushing your teeth despite maintaining good oral hygiene.

At Eastman Dental, our dentists can help answer your questions whenever you have a gums bleeding concern. We will perform a gum examination to determine the cause of your bleeding gums and provide the necessary treatment.