
Say Goodbye to Dental Anxiety: 6 Tips for a Stress-Free Dental Visit

myths about toothaches

Dental anxiety is a common fear that affects many people, preventing them from getting regular dental care. The fear of pain or discomfort, past negative experiences at the dentist, feeling helpless or out of control, or embarrassment about the condition of one’s teeth are some of the reasons that contribute to dental anxiety.


Dental visits do not necessarily have to be stressful and nerve-wracking experiences. In this article, we will cover tips and techniques for managing and overcoming dental anxiety so that you can have a stress-free dental visit.


Table of Contents:

Understanding Dental Anxiety

Common Causes of Dental Anxiety

How to Overcome Dental Anxiety 

  1. Finding the Right Dentist
  2. Communicating with Your Dentist 
  3. Using Relaxation Techniques 
  4. Distracting Yourself 
  5. Taking Medications

Prevention Is Better Than Cure




Understanding Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety is a general term to describe the fear, nervousness, or apprehension a person feels about going to the dentist. It can range from mild to severe, and it is normal for people to experience some form of dental anxiety before their dental appointments.


People who suffer from dental anxiety may experience physical symptoms such as sweating, rapid heartbeat, and even panic attacks. Dental anxiety can lead to avoiding dental visits, ultimately negatively impacting oral health.


Common Causes of Dental Anxiety

The fear of pain is the most common cause of dental anxiety. Negative past experiences with dental procedures that were painful or uncomfortable can create a negative association with going to the dentist. 


Feeling helpless or out of control while sitting in the dentist’s chair can also trigger anxiety. Lastly, people may feel embarrassed about the condition of their teeth, which can lead to avoidance and further exacerbate dental anxiety.


How to Overcome Dental Anxiety


  1.  Finding the Right Dentist

Finding a dentist who understands dental anxiety and is willing to work with you to alleviate your fears is crucial. Look for a dentist who has experience working with anxious patients and is ready to take the time to explain procedures and answer questions. Consider a dentist who offers sedation options, such as nitrous oxide or oral sedation.


  1. Communicating with Your Dentist

Open communication is key when it comes to managing dental anxiety. Before your appointment, talk to your dentist about your fears and concerns. Be honest about your stress, and ask your dentist to explain each step of the procedure in detail. Knowing what to expect can help alleviate some anxiety. If you feel uncomfortable during the procedures, let your dentist know, and they will pause to give you a break.


  1. Using Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or visualization can help manage dental anxiety. Practice these techniques before your appointment to find what works best for you. During the dental appointment, focus on breathing and visualize yourself in a calm and peaceful place.


  1. Distracting Yourself

Distraction techniques can also be effective in managing dental anxiety. Bring headphones and listen to music or an audiobook during your appointment. You could also bring a stress ball or fidget toy to keep your hands busy and distract your mind from anxiety.


  1. Taking Medications

In severe cases, medication may be prescribed to manage dental anxiety. Your dentist may prescribe an anti-anxiety medication or a mild sedative to help you relax during the procedure. It’s important to follow your dentist’s instructions and not to drive after taking any sedative medication.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Preventing dental anxiety before it starts is ideal. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings can help maintain good oral health, avoiding the need for invasive procedures. Brushing and flossing regularly can reduce the need for dental work and give you a sense of control over your oral health. Establishing healthy dental habits can also boost your self-confidence and alleviate embarrassment about the condition of your teeth.



Dental anxiety is a common fear that can prevent people from getting dental care. However, with the right approach and techniques, you can overcome dental anxiety and have a stress-free dental visit. 


Finding the right dentist, communicating openly, using relaxation techniques, distracting yourself, and taking medication if needed are all ways to manage dental anxiety effectively. Prevention through regular check-ups, cleanings, and good oral hygiene is always better than cure. You can develop a plan that works best for you with your dentist at Eastman Dental. Remember, it’s essential to seek help when you feel overwhelmed. Schedule an appointment today.