
Can a Wisdom Tooth Grow Back? Your Questions Answered


Ever wondered about the mysterious wisdom teeth: can a wisdom tooth grow back? These third molars, erupting in late teens or early twenties, can spark curiosity and even concern. Understanding their growth, function, and potential for regrowth is crucial for maintaining optimal oral health. This guide unlocks the secrets of wisdom teeth, answering your burning questions and providing clarity on this fascinating aspect of dental health.


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Understanding Wisdom Tooth

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last set of teeth to erupt, typically between the ages of 17 and 25. They are located at the back of the jawbone, behind the second molars. Unlike other teeth, which usually erupt straight through the gum line, wisdom teeth can erupt at various angles, causing impaction. Impacted wisdom teeth may remain partially or completely covered by the gums or bone, leading to various problems like pain, inflammation, infection, and damage to neighboring teeth.


According to a journal in Sam Ratulangi University, wisdom teeth are considered useless leftover organs because of a diet developed with many modifications and is used as evidence to support human evolution from primate ancestors. It concluded that the dietary shifts can affect the growth of jaws, therefore, modern humans can experience impacted or unerupted teeth more commonly.


To help you understand wisdom teeth better, let’s explore some facts:

  • Number: Most people have four wisdom teeth, one in each corner of the mouth.
  • Function: While humans have evolved to have smaller jaws, wisdom teeth haven’t kept pace. They often lack sufficient space to erupt properly and may not have a functional purpose in modern diets.
  • Common issues: Impaction is the most common issue with wisdom teeth. It can cause pain, inflammation, infection, and damage to neighboring teeth.
  • Removal: Often, impacted wisdom teeth need to be extracted to prevent potential complications.


Can a Wisdom Tooth Grow Back?

One of the most common concerns surrounding wisdom teeth is the possibility of regrowth after removal. The good news is, wisdom teeth do not grow back after being properly extracted. This is because the tooth root is removed along with the crown, preventing further development.


Exceptions to Wisdom Teeth Regrowth

While it’s rare for wisdom teeth to grow back after extraction, there are a few exceptions worth noting:

Incomplete Extraction

Sometimes, a tiny root fragment remains after surgery. This fragment can develop into a new tooth-like structure called a “residual root cyst,” causing pain and requiring further extraction.

Supernumerary Teeth

Some people have extra teeth, including additional wisdom teeth, embedded in their jawbone. These “supernumerary teeth” can erupt at any time, even after the original wisdom teeth are gone. They might require extraction if they cause problems.

Developmental Abnormalities

Extremely rare bone abnormalities can stimulate the growth of additional teeth, including wisdom teeth. These cases require specialist treatment.


Scientific Perspective on Regrowth

The notion of wisdom tooth regrowth is often fueled by anecdotal evidence and personal experiences. However, from a scientific standpoint, the regeneration of wisdom teeth after complete extraction is highly improbable for several reasons:

Root Removal

During extraction, the entire tooth, including its root, is removed. This root structure prevents further development and serves as the foundation for tooth growth. Without it, regrowth is virtually impossible.

Cell Differentiation

Tooth development involves complex differentiation processes where cells specialize and commit to specific functions. Once a tooth is formed and extracted, the remaining cells in the area do not possess the necessary “instructions” or capacity to regenerate a new tooth.

Limited Evidence

Despite extensive research in the field of dental science, there’s no conclusive scientific evidence to support the widespread belief in wisdom tooth regrowth. The reported cases often involve misdiagnosis, incomplete extraction, or the presence of supernumerary teeth.

Therefore, while individual experiences might vary, the scientific consensus leans heavily towards the impossibility of wisdom teeth growing back after complete extraction.



Now that you’ve unlocked the secrets of wisdom teeth, you’re equipped to make informed decisions about your own oral health. Remember, wisdom teeth often lack a functional purpose in modern diets, and impacted wisdom teeth can cause a variety of problems. If you’re experiencing any discomfort or have concerns about your wisdom teeth, consult a qualified dentist. They can assess your individual situation and recommend the most appropriate treatment options.

For expert wisdom tooth care, schedule a consultation with Eastman Dental Group today! We offer comprehensive services, including extraction and aftercare support, to help you achieve and maintain a healthy smile.