
How to Fix Pacifier Teeth: A Guide for Parents

Dental Check Up for Children

Pacifiers can be a lifesaver for soothing and comforting babies, but prolonged use can sometimes lead to dental issues known as “pacifier teeth.” This can cause misalignment of the front teeth in young children. If you’re concerned about your child’s oral development after pacifier use, this guide is here to help. We’ll explore what pacifier teeth are, what causes them, how to identify potential problems, and the steps you can take to fix them.


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What are Pacifier Teeth?

Pacifier teeth is a term used to describe dental problems caused by prolonged or excessive pacifier use in infants and toddlers. Ideally, pacifier use should be discouraged by age two or three to avoid affecting the development and alignment of their teeth and jaw.


Pacifier teeth can manifest in several ways, including misaligned teeth, tooth decay, and other oral health concerns. A common consequence of pacifier teeth is malocclusion – as also stated in the International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry – where the upper and lower teeth don’t meet properly. This misalignment can cause issues like overbites, underbites, or crooked teeth.


Pacifier use can also contribute to tooth decay. When children fall asleep with a pacifier or bottle containing sugary liquids like milk or juice, their teeth are exposed to these sugars for extended periods, increasing the risk of cavities. This condition is known as “bottle rot” or “nursing bottle syndrome.”


Understanding the Causes of Pacifier Teeth

Several factors contribute to dental problems caused by prolonged pacifier use.

Prolonged Pacifier Use

Extended reliance on pacifiers beyond infancy (ideally by age two or three) can disrupt the natural development and alignment of teeth and jaw. The constant pressure from the pacifier can cause misalignment over time. Additionally, prolonged sucking can affect the positioning of the tongue, palate, and muscles in the mouth, further impacting dental health.

Bottle Feeding Habits

Frequent and prolonged bottle feeding, especially with sugary liquids like milk or juice, can worsen the risk of pacifier teeth. When children fall asleep with a bottle, these sugars bathe their teeth for extended periods, increasing the likelihood of cavities and tooth decay. This condition, known as “bottle rot” or “nursing bottle syndrome,” can significantly harm dental health if not addressed.


While genetics alone may not cause pacifier teeth, some children are more predisposed to dental problems like misalignment and decay due to inherited factors. Genetics can influence the severity and progression of dental issues associated with pacifier use.

Behavioral Patterns

Children who rely heavily on pacifiers for comfort or soothing may use them more frequently over time. Addressing these behavioral patterns and gradually reducing pacifier use can help mitigate the risk of pacifier teeth.

Lack of Dental Hygiene

Poor dental hygiene practices can worsen the effects of pacifier use on oral health.  Not brushing teeth regularly, especially after consuming sugary substances, increases the risk of tooth decay and cavities.  Establishing proper dental hygiene routines from a young age is essential for preventing dental issues associated with pacifier use.


Identifying the Signs of Pacifier Teeth Issues

Early detection of pacifier teeth problems allows parents and caregivers to address potential dental issues promptly. Here are some key warning signs to watch out for:


  • Misaligned Teeth: Gaps, crowding, or protruding teeth can indicate trouble.
  • Cavities: Discoloration, pitting, or pain might signal decay.
  • Speech Issues: Difficulty pronouncing sounds or forming words can be a clue.
  • Chewing Problems: Trouble biting or chewing could be due to misalignment.
  • Gum Issues: Redness, swelling, or tenderness in the gums might require attention.


Steps on How to Fix Pacifier Teeth

Addressing pacifier teeth problems requires a multi-step approach to correct dental issues and promote healthy oral development. Here’s how to fix pacifier teeth:

Consultation with a Pediatric Dentist:

The first step is a visit to a pediatric dentist specializing in children’s dental health. They can assess the severity of the pacifier teeth issues. During the consultation, the dentist will conduct a thorough examination, including X-rays if needed, to evaluate tooth alignment, cavities, and other dental concerns.

Implementing Behavior Modification Techniques:

Following the dentist’s assessment, they may recommend behavior modification techniques to gradually reduce pacifier use. This might involve limiting pacifier use to specific times or gradually weaning the child off it completely. Parents can collaborate with the dentist to develop strategies tailored to their child’s needs.

Dental Treatments for Correcting Alignment:

Depending on the severity of the pacifier teeth issues, the dentist may recommend dental treatments to correct misalignment. This could involve orthodontic treatments like braces, retainers, or other appliances to realign teeth and jaw. Orthodontics aim to improve overall tooth alignment and prevent complications associated with misaligned teeth.

Monitoring and Follow-Up Care:

Close monitoring and regular follow-up appointments with the dentist are essential after starting treatment. These check-ups allow the dentist to assess progress, make adjustments, and address any new concerns. Consistent follow-up care is crucial for achieving optimal results and maintaining long-term oral health.

Promoting Healthy Oral Habits:

Beyond addressing pacifier teeth issues, promoting healthy oral habits in children is vital. This includes encouraging regular brushing and flossing, limiting sugary foods and drinks, and scheduling routine dental check-ups. Establishing good oral hygiene practices from a young age helps prevent future dental problems and supports overall oral health.



Early intervention is key to addressing pacifier teeth issues and ensuring your child’s healthy oral development. If you’re concerned about your child’s teeth after pacifier use, schedule a consultation with a pediatric dentist at Eastman Dental Group to discuss any concerns you may have.