
Periodontitis Disease: Causes and its effect on your oral health.

Periodintis Disease

Periodontitis, also known as periodontal disease, is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults. In other words, periodontal disease, commonly called gum disease, is prevalent. It is uncommon for adults above 30 to suffer the symptoms of this oral disease. Chances are you’ve experienced it too, whether you realize it.


It’s easy to notice if you have severe periodontitis disease, as you will feel pain and see redness and swelling. However, periodontitis can develop over a long period. In the beginning, the occurrence of gum health disorders is often not easily detected. 


Periodontitis is when the teeth’ gums become infected, causing severe inflammation. Swelling of the gums can be followed by accumulation of pus in the gums. The older you get, the risk of developing periodontitis increases. In addition to age, several other factors also affect the condition of your gum health. 


Gum disease usually starts as gum inflammation or gingivitis. Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease. If properly treated, the gum health problem will be cured and not worsen into periodontitis. Gum inflammation is the accumulation of harmful bacteria around the teeth that infect the gum tissue. When it becomes severe, bacteria attack not only the gum tissue but also the jaw bone tissue. 


If periodontitis is left untreated for a long time, it can recede the gums and jaw bone supporting the root of the tooth and lead to tooth loss. Gum disease can also induce general health problems. People with gum disease will also likely develop cardiovascular health problems and diabetes.



What is the main cause of periodontal disease?

What happens if you get periodontal disease?

How long can you keep your teeth with periodontal disease?


What is the main cause of periodontal disease?

Age is one of the main factors because periodontitis is rarely found in people under thirty. But with poor oral hygiene, people in their twenties and under can also get gum diseases. Causes of periodontitis include:


  • Poor oral hygiene.

Without proper hygiene, bacteria in the mouth will build up along the gum line and harden into tartar. Once tartar covers the gumline, the gum will recede and bleed due to periodontitis.


  • Smoking habit.

Smoking reduces the gum tissue’s ability to fight the infection. During the treatment, smoking will also slow the healing process of gum disease.


  • Pregnancy.

During pregnancy, women go through hormonal changes. Their gum will tend to be more sensitive, and there’s a higher risk of gum disease.


  • Diabetes.

The high blood sugar level in people with diabetes will make them more likely to get gum infections. Diabetes mellitus has a relationship to adverse periodontal disease. Medication treatment for diabetes will also treat gum disease.

  • Sugary diet.

Sweets help bacteria to develop and build up into plaque or tartar. Reducing sugary foods and drinks contribute to lowering the risk of periodontitis.


  • Medications.

Certain drugs reduce saliva production, which creates an imbalance in the saliva level in the mouth. The imbalance in the saliva’s acidity makes bacteria grow faster. If you’re consuming medications, consume enough water to keep the mouth hydrated.


  • Poor nutrition.

Lack of nutrition, including vitamins, will weaken the body’s immune system and prevent gum infection from bacteria. Eat nutritious food and sufficient vitamin C for a healthy gum.


What happens if you get periodontal disease?

Gum disease may not be obvious as it progresses slowly. Often, periodontitis worsens without causing any issues until it becomes severe and harder to treat. This fact is why periodontitis is given the nickname ‘a silent killer.’ Go to the dentist immediately if you experience signs that you have a problem with your gums. Periodontitis will show some symptoms from mild to medium and severe. Some of them are:


  • Bleed when brushing teeth.

As gums are infected, it will become easier to get irritated by a toothbrush. If you notice that your gums bleed when you brush your teeth, it can be a sign of gum disease.


  • Bad breath.

Bad breath is one of the periodontitis symptoms that we can notice. Build-up bacteria cause a foul odour in the mouth, especially if the swollen gum has pus.


  • Swelling gums.

When your gums have redness and swelling, it is the most prominent symptom that you have gum disease. Gums inflammation is the body’s response to fight bacteria that harm the gums.


  • Receding gums.

The bacteria in the mouth infect the gums surrounding the tooth. When left untreated, the gums will recede, and the teeth root will become more visible. Receded gums from periodontitis will never grow back. The gums supporting the teeth will be reduced, resulting in tooth loss.


  • Pain in your gums.

There are pain receptor nerves in the gums. The infected gums will trigger the nerves in the gums. People usually feel pain when chewing.


  • Sensitivity to hot and cold drinks or foods.

People with periodontitis suffer pain when eating hot or cold drinks and foods. The reason is identical to the pain felt while chewing. It is the nerves inside the gums that get triggered by the infection.


  • Loose teeth.

Periodontitis can become severe enough to recede gums and the teeth’ supporting bone. The teeth fall out without good gums and bone for teeth’ roots to sit on.


How long can you keep your teeth with periodontal disease?

Losing your teeth from periodontitis won’t happen overnight. Gingivitis initially starts small and remains unnoticeable, but it can develop into gum inflammation and other uncomfortable symptoms. Although every person is different, severe untreated periodontitis can lead to tooth loss, and no treatment can save your teeth.



Suppose you suffer from a milder case of gingivitis. In that case, you might be able to reverse periodontal disease with proper oral hygiene at home. Dental intervention is likely necessary if gingivitis persists and later develops into periodontitis.


Besides maintaining oral health at home, it is recommended to get a general oral check-up every six months. At Eastman Dental, we do a comprehensive oral check-up and detect any early dental issues. If you’ve lost teeth to periodontitis, don’t let the gaps in your smile bring you down. The dentists at Eastman Dental can help you reclaim your gum health and restore your smile’s function and appearance. Schedule a consultation with Eastman Dental at any time.